
By seddon

Sleepy head

Today was Thomas's first day back in school. He wasn't overly keen to go this morning, asking to stay at home and carry on with homeschooling instead. Walking to school was nice though, felt like some normality, and he was so excited to see his friends.
School have put lots of measures in place, including a one way system, separate drop off and collection time for different 'bubbles' and separate tables and equipment for each student. Thomas went in happily enough, I had my fingers crossed he had a good day!
Me, Ben and Chloe had a lazy day at home, I did some shopping and cleaning. It has rained all day!
Ben went to collect Thomas from school, he'd had a good day, although he said he doesn't like sitting on his own!
Early night for Thomas and Chloe tonight, this is the only picture I've taken today, of Chloe fast asleep snuggled up with Peter rabbit.

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