
By cowgirl


This is where you’ll find me on Saturday afternoons, 2-4pm. In my little nook, with the MacBook, iPad, iPhone and Makita radio, all set up for the Kris Barras radio show.

It’s an online station, so I feed it from my phone through the radio. I’m making a playlist of the songs to post on the Kris Barras Band Facebook group page after the show and I’m chatting with my gig buddy Carla, who is also an administrator for the page, via Messenger.

How am I ever going to be able to leave the house again on a Saturday afternoon?!

Oh, behind me is my birthday gift from Sav. Several years ago we attended a ploughing match. I took far too many photos of course! The one of this two shires leaning in to each other was both our favourites and Sav drew it. We never got around to selling it, so now it’s mine!

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