a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

FUBAR photography

So I'm standing around on a Monday night down at Walsh Bay, gossiping on my mobile phone and faffing about with the camera at the same time. I'm trying to talk over the rhythmic thumpTHUMPthump of ballet dancers in rehearsal in the Sydney Dance Company on Wharf 4. And trying to tune out the screams of the martinet in charge, who is giving the dancers what-for.

I'm not paying attention to whatever it is I'm doing because my brain didn't receive the memo about how women are great at multi-tasking. Ask it to concentrate on more than one thing at a time and it freezes like a deer in the headlights.

So I finish the call, look down at the camera and have a little swear, because I'd set the camera on f3.5 instead of f22. And then I have another swear, slighly more creatively, for all the other bits I'd FUBAR'd while my brain was otherwise engaged.

So there are more things wrong with this than you can poke a stick at. But I've kept it anyway, and aside from sharpening* and damping down the brightness of the sky, it's pretty much as is. It's kind of weird, and I don't know what I think about it.

Photo aside, the evening finished off well when the confirmation of Richard III came through the twitterverse, about 10 pm. I have since lost track of the Richard III/Blackadder/Time Team jokes I have seen and heard since then. And I was amused the next morning when I read the comments section of the Sydney Morning Herald article on Richard III - readers managed to make 5 sensible contributions before someone started quoting Monty Python's watery bints, swords and suchforth not being the basis for a system of government. And after that the comments kind of went downhill... "King of the Who...?....."

*Ok, it's oversharpening, but I did this on a teeny tiny screen so couldn't judge the end result.

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