Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Well that was close

This morning we planned to have our worship service outside in the yard at the church. Doing that we can allow any and all of our people to come because there’s enough room there to social distance.

The forecast however, gave us a window of about two hours of clear skies and sunshine in which to meet, worship, visit, and leave.

So as we gathered the skies were clear. We got started a bit late as people were visiting with one another. About 15 minutes after the supposed start time, I called them together.

We had a great time. You could sing if you wore a mask and we had one of our youth with her guitar leading us in music.

We sang and prayed, shared around the word, and decided to try it again next week.

We closed up and cleaned up and some lingered to catch up. Then the yard was empty again.

And as I turned to the west, this was the scene I saw. The weather had arrived and we were gone, just in time.

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