Pub lunch, camping, and cables

Dan had a good night and reported first thing that a lot of the fluid seemed to have been reabsorbed overnight. Nevertheless, the consultant went ahead with draining the blister and then it was all bandaged up, new oral antibiotics were issued, and we picked him up around half-twelve.

It was clear watching him walk towards the car that he was in no discomfort, let alone pain, so we decided to go out for lunch to celebrate. Phoning ahead, we found there were no tables available at The Royal but we managed to get one at The Orange Tree. 

Over lunch, Dan recounted the horrors of his coronavirus test, which involved swabs up each nostril but Abi was unimpressed having had a camera up her "schnoz" previously. However, they enjoyed sharing their cannula* experiences. We also briefly discussed the camping party that Dan was supposed to be going to, tonight. We'd brought him a tent in preparation. but in the light of his unanticipated hospital trip, I suggested that he simply go along for a couple of hours.

Having abandoned my plan of running around Derwentwater, yesterday, I went for a run late this afternoon while the Minx dropped Dan over to his friends at Barkin Beck. When I got back she said Dan had been quite sad about missing this night with his friends, lamenting that his foot - which he felt was now sorted - was causing him to miss the first party in four months. 

He hadn't made a fuss, just been sad, which had a more profound effect on both the Minx and me than any fuss would have. On reflection we felt we both hadn't really thought it through and that the risk probably was minimal, and so we ended up driving back out to the camp site with Dan's tent. You can imagine how pleased he was to see us!

Today's photo is only tangentially relevant to the last twenty-four hours but when the Minx and Abi were shopping for Dan, yesterday, one of the principle necessities was a charging cable. I must buy two or three of these every six months during which time they all seem to evaporate. This is the last one from the supply drawer, so I've ordered another two. 

*I was delighted to discover that this is derived from the Latin for 'little reed'.

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