"...Gang aft agley"

The plan was straightforward enough: the Minx would take the day off and I'd only work the morning. She'd arrive around lunchtime and then we'd head up to her brother's pub near Keswick and I'd run around Derwentwater before we had dinner and a couple of drinks.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, Dan came into the kitchen. His blister is no better, worse if anything. "Just show it to Suzanne and see what she thinks."

And so, half an hour later we were in the Urgent Treatment Centre at Westmorland General. The wait time was up on the notice board as two to three hours so I suggested to the Minx that she go back home while I waited with Dan, who was duly triaged and then, an hour and a half later, given a quick dose of IV antibiotics. 

I had a chat to the doctor who asked if I would mind driving Dan down to the Acute Surgical Unit at Lancaster Royal Infirmary. The Minx picked us up, with Abi in tow, and the four of us drove down. Dan was seen by a consultant and it became apparent that they were going to keep him in overnight, so the Minx and Abi popped down to Sainsbury's to buy him all the things he'd need for an overnight stay. 

Characteristically, Dan took it all in his stride. I must say it was a relief to know that the blister is going to be dealt with. The consultant said that they tend not to pop blisters these days but that he thought this could do with lancing and cleaning out. 

So I left Dan with my iPad and AirPods, and his bag full of goodies from Abi and the Minx, and set off back up to Kirkby Lonsdale. I checked in with Dan later; he had a bed by the window and was watching "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" on the iPad, eating his snacks whilst enjoying another course of antibiotics. 

-11.2 kgs
Finished reading 'Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race' by Reni Eddo-Lodge. Since this is a good time to be listening, I'm not going to comment on this except to say it's brilliant, compelling writing and I recommend it unreservedly.

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