By lizzie_birkett


...or Pot Marigolds to you!
I normally only sow the traditional orange ones but I had a packet of those and a packet of the variegated colours.
They are gorgeous and when I eventually stop dead heading them and allow them to go to seed they will sow themselves for next year.

After taking Bella for her long walk around the Flashes this morning I made soup and then got some weeding done and spayed some plants including the roses with diluted washing up liquid as many have been got at by aphids (probably/maybe). One of the new roses had loads of buds that were not opening so I cut them off so it can recover. Looking closely I saw tiny holes in the base of the bud and when I peeled it open there were teeny tiny yellow creepy crawlies.

All the kids were playing in the back alley today. It's so lovely how the kids round here all play together even though there is such a mixture of ages from a 2 year old girl (Olivia) to fourteen year old Harry and 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11 year olds inbetween - all boys except Olivia! They are all so good natured with her.

I picked some rhubarb and Frank made a pie with some left over puff pastry from a savoury pie he made yesterday.

I still didn't cut all those squares out! Well, tomorrows another day :-)

In 10 days wearing masks in shops will be mandatory - at last a decision has been made.
I hear in the US some states are really bad again with Covid.

That's all for today.
:-) X

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