Making hay

They’ve been cutting hay in the valley this last three weeks. No great weather driven rush. More a considered circulation between small fields. This one is on our little lane. Something of a mystery as to where all the hay goes. Very few dairy or beef herds near here. and those that are are housed inside year round. I do miss seeing beasts in fields.

We’re gradually moving all our gear out of the flat in Fiesole. It’s too big and noisy to keep on. We think we’ve found something smaller, cheaper and more tranquil - next to a railway line.

It’s been a nice home for three years as the house has taken shape. And we’ve made some good friends. Doing the olive harvests together two years was a real highlight.

It’s Tuscany so the house we are moving to also has olive trees. Indeed, more.

An extra of a large tomato from the greenhouse. Fantastic flavour with salt and olive oil.

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