Mostly resting...

...not much choice, woke up with fluey aches & pains to join my other cold symptoms so set up camp on the sofa for the morning with my constant companion pleased not to be dragged out for walkies in the cold and a bit wet conditions!

All was going well with plenty of recorded TV to catch up on, including the fascinating Richard III documentary. I'm not much of a history or royal buff but it had me gripped. Then came Midsomer Murders, but alas, it was a repeat so off went the tv and on went the oven. I'd made sure I turned my face away from the ingedients for every coughing or sneezing fit so there's no extras!

I'll post the recipe on tomorrow's blog :)

Getting bored of honey and lemon drink though so back on the redbush tea while I browse through so many of your missed blips.

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