Extra fuss and treats today

After hearing Emma Bunton's devastating news yesterday about her beloved chocolate labrador Phoebe I got a bit emotional thinking about the loss of my own choc lab girl Brodie. Many will think it silly 10 years on but when a dog makes its way into your heart it stays there forever.

Anyway, Stella has received many extra hugs last night and today, even my Dad made an extra fuss of her.

Had to stop at the pet shop on the way home from work to stock up on her raw dinners and saw these new bones. They're made from rice so totally natural and don't splinter. Less than a quid too!

Also met a darling Border Terrier called Norman who eats the same dinners as Stella, though smaller portion...and also heard about a litter of 8 choc lab puppies. Bearing in mind who I'd been thinking about all day I gave myself a pat on the back for not putting my name down for one!

In other news, Mum has caught my cold too; I told her it was her own fault for laughing at my world record sneezing attempt on Tuesday!

Oh in yet more news, yes, yesterday's nibbles were indeed Wheat & Dairy Free Cheese Straws :)

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