Poor Jedi

This time last year we ended up in hospital with Harp. And today it's for Carson. His temperature has not came down at all with Calpol and neurofen. I called the doctor earlier for advice, she seen him at the surgery and called ahead to the hospital to say she was sending us up.

He is miserable. I managed to get a urine sample from him, and like the perfect jedi he is, he got it in the bowl and not on me. They said there was a little blood in it but they don't think it's anything to worry about. He has also been swabbed in his throat and up his nose for any bacterial infections and tested for covid . That's what happens when you go to the hospital with a temperature. His heart rate is also quite high from the temperature. He was over 39 degree's when they took it.

My apologies for not getting round to everyone today . I hope it's been a good one. X

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