
By ayearinthelife

All About That Bass

Last week, Mrs C bought a new handbag as she thought I had gone out to buy a new guitar. However, I confounded her by returning empty handed (shop was closed, if truth be told) and I have therefore been able to hold the moral high ground for the last eight days.
On today’s visit to Barrow, the guitar shop was actually open (I had checked beforehand!) and the household status quo was restored with this purchase. Even though playing live is not allowed at the moment (might be from 1st August, fingers crossed) I’ve always thought it would be a good idea to have a backup bass in case I’m at a gig and something goes wrong with my usual one. Admittedly, I only play about about two gigs a year and nothing’s gone wrong yet, but it’s always best to be prepared!
And I’ve always liked the idea of having something cheap and cheerful which can be customised over a period of time.
And I could really do with one I can keep handy in the living room in case the urge to practice something suddenly strikes.
So, that’s three perfectly good and valid reasons for buying another guitar (much more valid than buying a handbag just because it was “50% off”!), not that I need to justify my actions, you understand.
Right, time to hit the Internet forums for upgrade ideas followed by some online retail therapy....

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