Bonded Buddies

Stephen was super kind and came to take Nate out this morning. We’re trying to get him used to not being with me or Danny before school starts in September. Having been with us all day every day since March, I’m a bit nervous that school will be extra hard. He absolutely loves loves loves stephen, but still wouldn’t go with him unless Asha did too. Proof we need to do this more often before school!
With both kids out and Danny too, it was a good opportunity to sweep and mop!
Stephen stayed for lunch and the afternoon, later Cami (see extra) came for a sleepover. Arle stayed for a coffee which was lovely.
We’ve just offered Red Cross our cleaning services if it means they’ll be able to reopen the showers - we’ll see what they say. I think we’ll need to create a little team and rota, the showers need to be disinfected between each person. If man power is the only issue, we can sort that.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Danny sorting all of Nate’s school paperwork.
2) Stephen being such a lovely friend. Nate is very drawn to him - they have a special bond.
3) The kids being asleep!!!!

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