City Centre Fountain of Tampere

Left straight after work to the centre of the city and after visiting doctor (no otitis, only some virus in my throat...) and then had a Subway-bread and a nice movie with the family. We went to see the movie Vuonna-85, of which I told you a couple of weeks ago (tuesday 22.1.2013).

In the photo there is Keskustori fountain, which was donated to the town of Tampere at 1882 by factory manager Wilhelm von Nottbeck. Nottbeck was leading big fabric factory called Finlayson and made a lot of good donations to Tampere.

The fountain was a gift to the women of Tampere and was at first the only waterpipe end in whole town, and the place where you could get drinking water for free. Of course Tampere was quite a small town then - way under 30 000 inhabitants (as it nowadays is some 210.000). Later - as the town Tampere slowly grew and more water pipes was built, the fountain was drinking place for horses...

Today the fountain is only used as a decoration. And at spring time many students want to bath in the fountain and tourists throw there coins to get some luck. At wintertime the fountain has a cover of class. I think it is beautiful now too.

Promise to take a new photo as the cover is removed!

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