The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Friends Of Old

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

B arrived from London to stay for the weekend and Kitty Cat & Marsh joined us for drinks up at Summerhall. Second pub night in two weeks! The boys got talking about hockey and rugby tours from their youth. Marsh told us that on one of his hockey tours, they all had to dress as superheroes. One of the guys didn’t have an outfit with him but LUCKILY Marsh had a can of silver spray paint (that he had intended to use on wellies) and minutes later, the silver surfer was born.

Unfortunately two months later, the silver surfer still had patches of silver on his skin. He also had lots of red blotches where he had reacted to the paint which was intended for bicycles. Not bodies!

Kitty Cat, B & I left Marsh and The Prince in the beer garden (it was raining) and headed back to mine for pizza. To be honest, B doesn’t look well but it was lovely to see him. It has been a long time.


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