Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

That’s no takeaway ...

... that’s TSM’s sweet and sour tofu. Gorgeous. From Leon Fast Vegan if you want to check out the recipe.


I am now reading The Testaments and loving it. 240 pages in already. I think it’s better than The Handmaids Tale.


Sorted out TSM’s garden office together this afternoon. Much improved. She would spend all year down there if it was warm and waterproof ...


Watched "Official Secrets" tonight, a movie about leaked secrets in the second gulf war. Rhys Ifans was on steroids, Keira Knightly acted as if at gunpoint, Matt Smith looked like he knew he wasn’t in All The Presidents Men and wanted to get it over with, and Ralph Fiennes  stole the movie whenever he appeared. Enjoyed it despite the acting, mainly because it was a compelling story about an appalling bit of modern history. Tony Blair really was an arse; talk about leading the country up the bloody garden path. 

We also watched Arsenal beat Man City in the FA cup semi finals. Nice one. All that meant it felt like a proper Saturday night ... food, movie and footie with your soul mate, what’s not to like? 

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