Pussy Cat

There's no change in Jeans condition, although it is not worse. Still not eating or drinking much at all., and more confused than ever. Toms sister will be back up this evening to chat with Tom about how to proceed. I think it may be another call to the GP tomorrow.

Did the ridge with mum and the Dandy and Cumcatch with Tom. It actually wasn't raining. I tried to get mums Hive thermostat to sync the time with her Hive receiver. read the instructions followed the list on the Hive app, then of 7 minuets of them checking the connection we got a message saying "contact Hive, you will need an engineer to resolve the problem".At least I tried. She won't be short of heat as the thermostat still works it's just the app won't connect to it. 
We had roast chicken for dinner. Will wasn't in a photo mood today so you have Angus on his tod.

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