A smile between tears.

The jedi has had a few smiley moments today. This is great. But after a week he is still not back to his usual happy self. He hasn't touched solids in a week and his antibiotics are now running through him. He also keeps getting upset often and sleeping a lot through the day.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes for Xander.

He had a fall of his bike earlier and took a wee chunk of skin out his knee and elbow. So at the moment he is resting on the sofa.
I have amazing neighbours. I had a neoprene dressing and plaster's but because there was blood it sent Xander into sensory overload, and he felt that only a bandage would make it better. To him a bandage will fix everything. And he doesn't like the feel of a plaster. Well I didn't have any bandages and two of my neighbours both came outside with a couple for me. I'm glad they understand him so well. These ladies are teacher's. In fact most of my cul-de-sac are teacher's, retired police officers and nurses. So I'm in the right place here.

I hope today has been good for you all. X

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