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I was so excited to go out today and finally drive myself. It has been so long. So, I made sure I left early enough to mail a letter and get a little time to shoot the outdoors before I went in for my appointment. It was bright and sunny almost all the way there. When I got to the top of the hill, it started to flurry and the sun disappeared. So much for a good shot then. While inside the hospital, the sun came out strong again. Couldn't find a clear window, so still no shot. All's well at the doctor and ready to go home. Sun was still shining, so I stopped to try again. Took a few shots and headed home. Posting my first blip away from home from on top of a hill in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. The snow is virtually gone today... but Friday is predicted to be a blizzard of as much as 24 inches of lovely snow. I will be shooting from my windows again, but at least it will be pretty in white!
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