Charcoal sketches

I've been trying a different method of drawing the past two art classes. Basically using charred sticks of wood and drawing on both white and toned paper.
Charcoal drawing requires practice and using the anatomy is a great tool to learn techniques.
I blipped my first efforts. It's far from perfect but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It's a quick drawing method so you start and finish in about an hour. I normally work on a painting or drawing for much longer and was apprehensive about doing something from start to finish in such a short time.
Working with charcoal is a simple, inexpensive way to use black and white with the most potential for expression. Everyone in the class had a different angle of the model to draw and so nobody's finished drawing looked the same and yet they were all equally great.

I'd like to get better at this method of drawing since it seems to really show the individual 'hand' of the artist. In other words you can tell who did it because your own style comes through.

I came home looking like I cleaned a chimney but it was fun and satisfying.

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