Reflective SP

I refused to take another snowy photo today. I went to the hair salon today for a haircut and when the hairdresser was finished he held a mirror up to show me how nice the back of my hair came out and I asked him to take a photo with my phone so I could text a copy to my sister. That was the only photo I managed to get today so it also became my Blip. A hint of a SP since you can see my reflection in the mirror.
My granddaughter come in through the front door this evening and said, “Whew, we made it!” The reason being the ice storm yesterday has left a treacherous layer of thick ice on the walkway and porch. I used the better part of a 20 lb. bag of salt to try to melt some of it but it was still difficult to navigate for a three year old.
I also seem to have the most annoying eye twitch! It comes and goes all day long. From what I can find online, it could be fatigue, stress, caffeine or lack of sleep. I am not giving up my coffee! I get enough sleep and as for stress, who doesn’t have stress? I hope that it will pass. Meanwhile I do notice that whenever I talk to my sister it starts up again…hmmmm. LOL Just kidding Tami.

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