The Weekend is Here

I had a good morning working from my home and a delicious lunch of a long missed bagel. I then went to give blood (it had been too long) and then headed into town to have my fringe cut. It was a slightly surreal experience but it was great to see my bartender hairdresser again. The blip is from a restaurant in town. Yes, we all know we have to wash our hands and use sanitizer, but nothing says we can’t have a wee smile while doing so. 

Later on I met a dear friend for a walk on the beach. I hadn’t realised how much I missed it. The evening sky was overcast but about 9:30 or so the light broke through and I wanted to catch it (see first extra). I ran into a couple of acquaintances coming out of the pub and had an enjoyable blether about Portobello, while seeing a lot of friendly, familiar faces out for a stroll in the evening light. 

While I was giving blood this classic came on. I still remember the moves!

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