A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Al Fresco

Another frustrating morning, trying to register with a health centre. But some progress was made! It seems to me that every time we reach the front of a queue (sometimes this can take an hour or more), the official just shakes his/her head and tells Val that we need yet another piece of paper to prove that

a) I am who I say I am,
b) I work where I say I work, and now that
c) I live where I say I live!

Maybe tomorrow, I can finally be registered with the very new and smart medical centre just down the road. It will be worth all the hassle.

Afterwards I treated myself to a spot of lunch at Snack Attack, sitting out on the pavement in the warm sunshine, and a haircut at Lush.

I am feeling almost human and normal again.

Apart from the tube sticking out of my back with the bag attached to it. Perhaps we will part company on Monday.


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