Crossed sevens

5.3C with thin cloud. Some blue sky. Not so windy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went up past the church today to see if the road resurfacing was complete. The tar laying machine and a little road roller were parked in the car park by the church. We had a look round for interesting details for some close up shots.

We carried on along the road and into the field with the bridle path. Looks like the work is complete. New road surface on the steep hill beyond the church. Much better. The road had been badly broken down at one side for quite some time.

We are still walking down the path to avoid the wet and muddy ruts in the field. Two trailers are still sitting near the bottom of the field loaded with bales. We walked along the cycle path then carried on along the shore road. We used the road bridge to cross the railway line today and went down to the beach beside the car park. Very quiet on the beach. Just one car in the car park. Not a single person or dog in sight.

We were over by the boats when I noticed a car arrive in the car park. A man got out and walked straight down to the waters edge. For a moment I thought he might not stop walking. He was dressed for business, with an overcoat and formal shoes. He stood on the rocks right by the water and stared out to sea. We decided to wander off and continue on our way home in case he was intent on 'doing a Reggie Perrin'. Hopefully he was just there to enjoy a quiet moment and take in the view :-)

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