Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Young Ones

Juvenile swans on the Basingstoke canal. Quite a big family in my experience of local waterfowl, they seemed serene and even the adults were laid back rather than patrolling as they sometimes do.


TSM took The Dizzle off to see some accommodation in London which turned out to be very positive. He is moving in on Sunday for a few months whilst he finishes his training. Young ones moving on ...


I have become engrossed in Dark, a weird and rather wonderful German fantasy which is a cross between Stranger Things and Twin Peaks. Very well acted, scary music and good cinematography. Set in a small German town where very nasty things are happening to the local young people ...


I am definitely not a young one. Did manage ten thousand steps today but also twelve trips to see Percy Porcelain. Thanks Pants Monster. That was my personal worst. Pretty worn out tonight ...

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