The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lo Siento

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess apologises. A lot. I think if someone pushed her over in the street, she would apologise for being in their way.

I was working in the spare room and EMP came in to play the piano*. She gets completely lost in the moment and forgets I’m even in the room. As she was playing, she hit a wrong note and without even realising, she whispered a barely audible “sorry” before carrying on.

And it made my heart melt a bit.


PS when I mentioned it to her later, she had no idea she’d done it. I’m sure the piano appreciated the apology!

*It’s a very nice way to work (providing I’m not on calls). I could get used to having my own private musician.

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