
By brambleblossom

Making them last ......

These are the remaining few flowers left hanging on from my birthday flowers received a month ago . 
The small headed, daisy like flowers on the right have lost their bloom but something remarkable is happening out of sight . Their stems are held upright by the marbles in the vase and they are growing roots . I have already planted a few out in the hope that they might become established . 
A dreary Saturday weather wise although we managed a  decent walk and hedge cutting in the dry , no glimpses of the sun though . 

Trying to plan a walk for Monday that is halfway between Blackburn and Durham as we are meeting up with one of our close friends. I keep finding suitable walks on line and then realise that despite owning many , many O.S maps we don’t have the one that matches the walk . I have just ordered a very nice looking waterproof map of the Howgills area ( inspired by all the wonderful photos blipped by “ into the hills,”) but it won’t arrive in time . I really enjoy looking through the books and maps as well as browsing on the Internet , it’s half the pleasure of a day out !
Hope all your weekends are going well !

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