
I was running very late again to get to the park this afternoon. I just don't know where the time goes from the moment I get out of bed! It feels like someone is moving the clocks forward every time I'm not looking!

I only made it to the sanctuary just in time for a full hour's walk with Cherly, their Rottweiler-German Shepherd cross and still had to look for a blip after my walk with her. We'd had some sun before I left the house but it had already started to cloud over during my bicycle ride to the park and by the time I'd taken Cherly back the light was getting quite poor already. Fortunately I found this lovely red-coloured dogwood at the back of the sanctuary that still had some of last night's raindrops hanging on it and I managed to take a couple of shots of it, the best of which is this one.

My cold seems to have improved during the day. At least, I was able to breathe through my nose a little easier today. Unfortunately, I've started to cough more again now that it's evening and I'm in the warm again and the inside of my nose is tickling so much that it constantly feels like I'm going to have to sneeze.

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