
Yes, again I was running late getting to the park this afternoon and I still had to look for something to blip after my walk with Thelma. Fortunately, today it hadn't clouded over as much by then as it had done the previous days and there was still enough light to get several shots that I could choose today's blip from. I have no idea which shrub this is but the shot of its unfurling leaves ended up as my choice for today's entry.

I'm still having frequent coughing fits but I've been able to breathe through my nose most of the time today. I'm hoping it won't be blocked again by bed time.

When I was sitting on a bench to get my gloves out of my bag before going home, I spotted two men with their dogs talking to each other in the distance. They were the two men that I mentioned in an earlier blip who always let their dogs run around off their lead at the park. A police car drove past me as I was sitting there and I was secretly hoping that they would see those two men and their dogs but unfortunately they drove away again. I was so pleased though when they drove up behind the 2 men a few moments later and stopped to speak to them. I suspect that they just gave them a warning but I couldn't help feeling some sort of satisfaction when they both had to put their dogs back on their leads. I somehow doubt that this will have a long-lasting effect on those men though if they're as arrogant as I suspect them to be and I have a strong feeling that their dogs will be off their leads again the next time I see them.

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