Just me and Dunlins...

here on the early morning beach. I'd come for the dune flora and was not disappointed. The air was fragrant with Meadowsweet, seen in the extra with view towards the Cathedral. Although the Kidney Vetch was reaching the end of its season, as usual there was acres of dune covered with it. Unfortunately too late for the Small Blue butterflies but lots of bees visiting and Small Heaths. The Ragged Robin is always wonderful here too and a lovely patch of fresh Grass of Parnassus with their waxy white flower heads. Found the fruiting bodies of Moonwort. All delightful and sunny and lovely here unlike most places further south and west.
A large flock of Dunlin were feeding in the burn where it reaches the sea, as it was low tide and seal were singing further out.
On the way back to the airfield saw a dog walker.

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