A Day In The Life

By Irish59


My camera was focused on the echinacea flower that just opened. It was a celebratory moment as it’s one of two that survived the wrath of Mama Woodchuck. Last year we didn’t see any. None! Last week I finally sprayed Repel All on the echinacea and black-eyed susans. If it works as advertised I will be more than ready next spring • I digress. After appreciating the flowers I looked up and noticed I am the one being watched. Newt was inside so I knew my striped chippie was safe. Such a serious face but I do sense a slight smile. And see that nose freckle! • When I was a kid of 6-10 I always wanted red hair and freckles. Most kids who have them don’t want them. I liked how unique they were. Plus, my best buddy sported both and I always admired her. She was great at everything she attempted. Little did I know then that I was just a late bloomer • So, here’s to all the late bloomers out there, and those lucky enough to wear freckles!

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