Saturday: Canadian Rail

I have absolutely no photographic evidence so you will just have to believe me when I say that we have spent the day whitewater rafting on the Thompson River.  It was a lot of fun but quite hairy in parts.  We have been hurled through rapids with names like ‘The Tunnel of Doom’, ‘The Witches’ Cauldron’, ‘The Jaws Of Death’ and ‘The Devil’s Toenail’.  That one was pretty intense - the devil needs a pedicure!

I think I might go into business renaming rapids - starting off with ‘The Kitten’s Paw’ and ‘The Hoppy Bunny’.  That should take the edge of it!

Understandably, cameras and phones weren’t a good idea on the boats so, instead, here is a picture of the rail tracks, near our campground.

Ate at a local Chinese tonight - we were the only people there but the food was great and we loved the quirky experience.

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