Day 128 The dolls' house family
Last week for TT (hosted this month by dibifulco) I introduced granny from my dolls' house who along with the others, has spent a couple of years in a cardboard box. This week it's the turn of the Little Girl, who never got named. Mama isn't quite such good quality as these first two and sadly Papa remains an unmade kit! I'm not sure that I'm nimble fingered enough to construct him these days.
In other news: the weather has improved but still not really good enough to spend the day in the garden, so we had another mostly indoor day, although we did pop out to the shops mainly to get Zeus some birthday presents. We did manage to get into Home Bargains this time as there was no queue. As usual we came home with lots of things we didn't realise we needed!. Violet had her weekly sleepover with us this evening and had a bit of a pamper session with her aunty, before bed. Mr MC is now able to go to the pub on Tuesday nights, to play backgammon, but had time to read V a couple of stories before he went.
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