
By JudyD

Self Heal - correction - now think this is betony?

Could do with a tincture of this today!
Funnily enough I bought a couple of self heal plants yesterday for the new wildlife area in my garden.

Slower start than planned but out for a walk by 11am.
I went to walk through a beautiful wildflower-rich meadow I happened upon last year. It was full of yellow rattle, sheep's bit scabious, orchids and so much more. Sadly it has been cropped and turned into a sheep grazing field with little evidence of anything other than grasses and Clover. Hoping it is being managed in some sort of rotational system.

Watched and listened to a whole crowd of swallows and house martins feeding above a field and wood.

And then I hit a bit of a brick wall - leaden legs and desperate to get back to the car. Wondering if I overdid things last week physically and now feeling the effects.

Got the lawn mown and a nice sit to enjoy the flowers.
now to conjour up courgette patties from a recipe from my big sis!

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