Open Your Eyes

I have found "horse-meat gate" a tad amusing. How do people think a company can make 100 burgers for £0.50? Especially when their priority is to make as much money as they possible can. Corporate greed has no morals. If you don't like it then start buying better quality products. They will still do it as cheap as they can (Corporate greed comes in many varieties) but at least you know they are more likely to use better quality ingredients. Plus if there was higher demand for better quality then the price would come down (a bit at least - see Corporate greed).

The FSA haven't covered themselves in glory and it looks like they have been caught with their pants down. You have to wonder what they spend our money on given they hadn't been testing for this sort of risk.

I bet with packaging looking like my picture you would still get a ton of people that bought it. I think the outcry is mostly because people have been deceived.

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