Being brave - or crazy .....?

Way back in March, in another world, a friend and I had a voucher for the Tasting menu at Glyn Purnell’s restaurant in the middle of Birmingham.

And then came lockdown. 

My friend was keen to use the voucher before it expired. Ages ago she asked me and then rebooked it for the end of July. 

The end of July has come and I was, frankly, terrified.

I’ve only been to Waitrose, the butchers, and a couple of farm shops.

Scared, I have ventured to the bank. Desperate for a swim, I have steeled myself to go to the outdoor pool.

The restaurant ? I’m a wimp, a very timid wimp.  I so nearly phoned to back out. She asked if I wanted to postpone, but that wasn’t the answer. 

So we went.
Lunchtime in the city centre.
She went on the train.
I researched the car park and made myself go. 

I was so stressed that my car’s auto Sense came on ! 

But I did it.

I’m still not sure it was wise.

But it was wonderful.

My blip is of the “mint choccy chip” , the fabulous finale, which arrived in minty fragranced smoke. 

And for those who remember his Great British Menu winning dessert in 2008, I can assure you that it’s still on the menu. 

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