Basil meets some friends

Up and out shortly after 9 am with the promise of some very hot, oppressive weather for the rest of the day.

Basil and I went to Dishley Pool keeping to the clockwise route so that we could stay in the shade of trees on our return leg. I thought we'd walk to the River Soar which was when we came across this young lady walking six small pooches. Basil made friends.

Several dragonflies. And thistledown.

A porch to the clubhouse outside which we park had been fouled with human faeces, wipes and toilet tissue. I reported it and a cleaning party was sent to clear it up.

Very hot by the time we reached home just before midday. Len joined us in watching the remaining episodes of The Mandalorian and The Rise of Skywalker this evening before Vera came on.

A substantial thunderstorm at 5pm cleared the air somewhat but the humidity is building up again. Apparently a cold front will sweep through tonight bringing much more tolerable weather.

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