When Esme met ...

... the weka! 
Yes, a Esme day and it's been action packed. Damp and drizzly so home play followed by a trip to the toy library (an unexpected meltdown), home for a large lunch (beetroot hummus, halloumi, olives and salmon), a quick zzz (Esme, me to Fresh Choice), off to Pupu Springs for some fresh air ( excellent car seat behaviour), encounter with the resident weka and much yahooing, home for a bit of baking (banana muffins, and a mushroom flan)
general mayhem, bath, bed, shattered grown ups eat flan.
Extra - the new hat, and the cat jumper - we've had it for a good few weeks but she was only persuaded into it today.
Glass of wine anyone?
And I hope Admirer might have smiled at this, I think she would.

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