
Rather a slow day today..slept in till 8 and read my book in bed - as it’s a new month, it’s time for a new Dickens novel, so I had to finish “The Bell Jar” first. I wonder whether Sylvia Plath would have written more novels if she had lived longer, or just stuck to poetry? “The Bell Jar” is superbly written; I have read it before and I will no doubt read it again. July was a kind of boon month for reading, as the only Dickens novel I had to read was “A Christmas Carol” ( unseasonable and short!). so I read the first three “Rebus” books by Ian Rankin and “The Chimes” as well. I don’t think I’ll be able to read anything other than “Dombey and Son” this month though..

I had a nice bike ride to the Post Office this morning and I’m going to do a bit of gardening now.

Hope all you blippers are enjoying your weekends :-)

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