
We had a brief meet up with our son and daughter in law today in Lymington at the house they own there. They have rented it out for the last nine years and unfortunately the last tenants have not looked after the house as you would wish. They have new tenants lined up but my daughter in law is wavering. Her mother lives close by and is in the throes of dementia so D would like a bolt hole to visit when they come over from Switzerland. Because of the current situation this isn’t going to happen very often so would be costly for them. They have a few days to decide before heading back to Switzerland very early on Tuesday morning. They have a 6.30 am channel crossing booked and it’s a three hour drive.
We had a lovely walk down by the sea wall with views across to the Isle of Wight. We availed ourself of the only bench for our lunch. The egret was on the land side near the coast. At one point my husband lost his cap in a ditch. Our son sustained several grazes on his arms when he rescued it.

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