Sunday Spa Day

The kids enjoyed soaking their feet this morning...unfortunately it’s been another day with NO camera pics, only phone snaps!
Early afternoon we headed up the coast to see Letesia. She lives in a beautiful rural area with a view of the sea & a fabulous pool! We sat around and chatted whilst the kids enjoyed the water.
Back home and Danny went off to the English Speaking church to do the reading, and Jud and co came to take Asha and Nate for frozen yoghurt! Nate has some trouble leaving me, but eventually went off hanging on to Asha. If gage me a chance to tidy up, write to Sole, do a few house bits etc...

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Letesia and her friendship.
2) Jud’s unfazedness when Nate was teetering on the verge of tears.
3) the gift of friendship with Sole...& being able to write to her in prison.

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