You've been framed

A day of creating - we went to the art shop and picked up some canvases. Asha had an idea for Jud's birthday gift which included a printing style of painting and sea looks lovely!
She and I made prayer bracelets this morning after our church in the UK gave us the idea a week or 2 ago (see extra)...I've put a big bead for each godchild and one for 2 other people...a reminder to pray for each one daily. 
We made a huge load of pasta sauce from veg someone gave us from their garden - Danny ferried food out to a couple of friends on the streets too. 
He saw Sole in prison - hopefully I'll be on the visitors list soon and then I can do more than just wave at a distant window!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A friend of M&M's sending me some Spanish grammar work to help me improve my language skills.
2) Creativity and how it lifts moods.
3) A quick lunch of pizza on our rocky beach. 

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