The Bees are Buzzing in the Trees
When I was younger summers seemed to last forever.
Days started early and evenings drifted off in to warm sunsets and we dragged our feet when we were shouted back into the house.
There was no rush for anything. We'd have breakfast and then shout "Ammawayouttoplay".
And we'd be gone.
There were roads to be cycled on; fields to play in; hills to climb, water to swim in and paddle.
We'd turn back up when we were hungry.
No one was overly worried. No one had mobile phones. And no one had to be in touch every five minutes.
Today; we did nothing.
I bimbled.
I bimbled round the allotment; We bimbled along the shore.
I bimbled round the garden looked at the bees. Was quite astounded at how beautiful each flower on my Gladiolia was, and smiled as I watched the beas bumble about the sea thistles.
I read my book in cosmo and just enjoyed a lovely gentle day.
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