
By LifeLines


I wanted to capture an image of the dog walking field now that all the grass and flowers have been cut down.  The cutting is part of a management plan for the area which aims to maintain certain vegetation types for birds, butterflies and other wildlife.  In particular we've noticed a lot of teasels have grown where the field was cut last year and this is good for attracting charms of goldfinches.  Merlin agreed to act as a model in the shot to make it a bit more appealing (hopefully!).

Thanks for all your good wishes for a sound night of sleep.  Unfortunately Merlin woke us up barking in the early hours - we think there was a hedgehog in the garden.  So, I then laid awake for hours thinking and thinking.  Consequently this morning I wrote myself out a 'to do' list and worked through a few issues on paper that had been bothering me.  I am pleased to say that progess has been made - I now have a British Heart Foundation furniture collection booked, an appointment with an physio booked (to look a very minor but lingering knee problem), I have made the decision to find a new yoga class which suits me better than the current one I do, and I am going to finally get a new ipad (the current one is very old and probably a bit of a security risk!).

Hope your day has worked out well and that this evening you have some time to do as you wish. 

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