Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Today's entry is a Yellow-rumped warbler (dendroica coronata) which is a very unusual bird for me to see at any time, but especially in the dead of winter. This hardy warbler used to be known as a Myrtle Warbler, and many birders call them butter-butts because of the bright yellow patch of feather just above their tail. They do sometimes overwinter as far north as New England but more often they move south to better feeding territories. I saw one about a week ago on one of the suet cages but wasn't quick enough to catch a shot. Today, however, this little gem has been visiting my bird bath all day. This shot was through the window at 500 mm using my monopod. Wish I could have gotten his/her butter-butt in the shot, but maybe next time...

Today has been a bird-watcher's paradise at the Bistro. It started snowing at about 9 this morning and the feeders and bird bath have been hopping ever since. Before this current storm leaves us, we may have up to 18 inches of snow which means that business will continue to be heavy at the bistro. I posted 8 other shots from today on Flickr starting HERE. Wish I'd been able to get some good shots of the wild turkeys, but they stayed at the edge of the woods and it is snowing so hard that I couldn't get a decent shot that far away.

For those of you who were following my story of the "grill mice" and my efforts to relocate them, here's a pretty funny update. I hadn't put the big plastic cover over the grill since the relocation adventure, so I decided this morning that I had best get to it before the snow got really heavy. I lifted the cover off the deck (it is quite large and of a heavy duty plastic) in preparation for putting it over the grill (a very manly Weber with a side burner). As I lifted it, there was a flash of brown and then...I found myself looking straight into the eyes of one extremely startled mouse! I confess that I screamed - just a little scream, hardly worth mentioning. The mouse screamed, too - what a sissy! I took a moment to regroup, during which time I saw the second mouse clinging with all his/her might to the plastic. Well, what could I do? I carefully gathered up the cover and every so cautiously carried it out to the woods where we have our woodshed, then I gave it a little shake ... and out came the mice! They scurried under the wood pile, happy to be alive, I'm sure. I then took a better look at the cover - it had four very big holes chewed in it - each about 8 inches around. So, I just left it by the woodshed - figured that the mice might like to move back in since heaven only knows what else is living under the woodpile. When I related the story to Hubs, he rolled his eyes and muttered something about mice taking over whole back yard. I think I may have heard something about a flame-thrower too...

I want to thank you all for your concern over my spine problems. I am compiling a list of questions for the doctor on Monday. Based on the reading I've done so far, it seems likely that he'll start with an injection/s and some PT and/or chiropractic. Although he is a surgeon, he is in a practice of orthepedists who are known for trying non-surgical approaches first. In fact, they have physical therapists and chiropractors on staff. I had surgery on an elbow (tennis elbow) 7 years ago with another surgeon in this practice, and he only recommended surgery after cortisone and PT had failed to work. So, I feel that I will be in good hands. I've got enough pain medication to last until Monday, so you won't have to hear me whining about pain. :)

Well, I'm off to refill some of the feeders and refill the bird bath. Hoping you are all having/have had a good Friday and's the weekend!!!!


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