Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

We live in surprising times, for different reasons

I remember the day that the Internet came to live with us. We used Lynx which was a text based browser if you can believe it.

I sat here tonight recalling the magic of those heady days in the early 1990’s when I could log into a Russian computer from my own basement computer at 300 baud. Did nothing there really but dang if I wasn’t connected to a wire that went around the world and connected with a computer in the old Soviet Union. Wow.

I thought of that tonight when we watched a program on our smart TV which was streaming to us in higher quality over the Internet, than our satellite receiver is currently providing us. Again I say, WOW.

Where does the future lie? How will my kids kids use the Internet, or its future versions? I mean if we can get our collective crap together worldwide to do something extraordinary. Which I confess, these days I feel less and less hopeful about.

But it’s open to us to do with as we like. The Internet provides us with amazing opportunities, but it also is the pathway for so much of the garbage that separates and divides us as nations and neighbours.

I guess we will see.
Too bad the Internet can’t tell us the future.

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