Flower (Day 1917)

Today was the final day on the shower room re-fit. After cleaning everything and getting rid of all the dust, I sealed everything on the shower enclosure that might even think about leaking. 
Next on the the list of things to do was repairing the water damaged floor in the neighbouring flat. Chopping out the rotten flooring, replacing joists and re-fitting new flooring took pretty much all day. After loading up the van late in the afternoon, I zoomed along to the plumbers' merchant to collect a new electric shower for another customer, then headed off to fit it.
I am really glad to have finally finished the shower re-fit, and pleased with the way it has turned out. It has been a huge learning curve, and a massive amount of work, but it is done (extra).
No pictures taken today, so a snap of my beautiful wife's flowers is as good as it gets.

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