In her happy place (Day 1918)

It has been a stunning day here. I was too warm on the morning woofer wander, but stopped awhile and just stood enjoying the sunshine. The air was unusually still and wonderfully quiet and peaceful. The type of morning which is just good for the soul.
First on the list of jobs for the day was a visit in to Mum and Dad to sort out a problem with their loo. A quick easy fix, but a good opportunity for a catch up with both of them.
Next a call out to deal with a blocked loo. It turned out that all of the waste pipes from sinks and basins were blocked. Pulling the access cover off the main waste pipe rewarded me with an evil smelling fountain of goop. My attempts to clear it weren't working, until I lifted the floor and found the cause of the problem. Very badly routed waste, using completely inappropriate fittings has been a recipe for disaster. I took the pipework apart and cleared the blockage, but I know it will block again. The owner of the property will need fairly deep pockets to cover the cost of putting things right.
I zoomed home to clean up, change, have some nosebag and take the woofers to Lyde for a run around. Then it was back through to Stromness to do a series of small jobs.
When I finished up, I headed to the horses where I met my beautiful wife and Silverback and his crew. HV was taking Lee out for a quick ride, leaving Silverback, Robyn and Holly to poo pick the field. HV looked fabulous on Jeeps today, on her favourite horse in her favourite place.

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