Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Blip of a Day!

It's been a slow, relaxed, enjoyable Friday. Quite a relief after too many days of charging hard -- getting ready for meetings, attending meetings, going to a conference, grading lots of student papers, getting taxes done, and on, and on.

Spent this day watching the world go by one thumbnail or blip at a time -- thoroughly enjoyable photos and thoroughly interesting write-ups, AND an amazing collection of encouraging comments on my blip--thank YOU everyone. Did a variety of low-stress activities while watching the world of blip on this last Friday in March.

Changed my "about" page photo, but not enough "umph" to revise and improve the "about" write-up. Later for that.

For dinner took Mr. Fun to a quiet little Mexican restaurant, Tamazulas, just outside our hood. Now we're home with a toasty fire warming this family room. Soon we'll call it the end of a day and be on our way to dreamland and wake-up fully into our weekend.


Rosie, (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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