A basket case.

J went off to Llandow this morning to meet up with the boys. Doris Dyson arrived right on time ( she is always very punctual) . A nice courier dellvered her right to the doorstep, and took her photo before he left. I unpacked her, but she completely went to pieces. I had to wait for J to come home before she could be put back together again, and now she is dancing around with a new lease of life.Des (gym) phoned me this morning to ask me if I was going to the gym next week as they are reopening on Monday, but it will be so different. I'm not sure I feel comfortable enough to go back yet, so might give it a few more weeks. J wanted to go into town this afternoon to pick up his magazine so I had a quick look around Boots and The Heart Foundation. We are having haddock ,mashed potato & peas later, and dessert is cherry pie with Greek yoghurt.

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